Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to Change the Wallpaper of Typophone 4 or Any Other Lockscreen (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad)

If you want to change the default wallpaper of your themed Lockscreen just like this


just proceed to the tutorial below.

What you will need:
1. Jailbroken device with Cydia already on it
2. iDevice Explorer such as iPhoneBrowser or openSSH & Cyberduck
3. Desired new wallpaper

Let's get started,

1. Plug-in you device to the computer.
2. Open iPhoneBrowser or any explorer you have.
3. Navigate to this directory - /private/var/stash/Themes.IJomeN/<name of your theme> In this tutorial we are modifying Typophone 4 so look for the folder named Typophone 4.theme.
5. Go to the folder where you saved your desired new wallpaper. rename its filename to "LockBackground" and make sure it is a PNG file (not JPEG,GIF,BMP,etc). You can always edit its filetype using Adobe Photoshop.
4. Look for the LockBackground.png and then save it first to your computer if ever you want to retrieve it and make it your wallpaper again. Again select LockBackground.png then right-click it, select Replace File.. and replace it with the desired new wallpaper.
5. Respring your device and you should now see that your wallpaper is changed.

Good luck and enjoy!

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14 Responses to "How to Change the Wallpaper of Typophone 4 or Any Other Lockscreen (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad)"

  1. I love you, man! This is what I was looking for. I was TIRED of that awful blue-drop background.
    Now, it looks SO sleek in black.


    1. You're welcome! I'm actually a woman though :D

    2. how did you get the rain drop theme

    3. It is the default wallpaper of Typophone old versions. I still have a copy of it. If you like it, I'll post it here, yes? :)

  2. Thats what i was looking for. Thank you very much.

  3. Hey, thanks.. this worked like a charm but then I stupidly installed the upgrade from typophone that said it would allow changes to the background using the wallpaper tool but it doesn't work! And now there is no lockbackground.png file to swap!
    What can i do???

    1. Sorry for the late reply. Have you already solved that? What version are you using currently?

  4. hey ellamampusti...
    i have n ipod 4g.....i hve typophone4 weather already instlled.....can u tell me hw i can i go 2 d directory ???


    1. Hi @harry ! Sorry for the delayed reply, here's the location for the Typophone Weather Theme: /private/var/stash/Themes.TCaPcm/Typophone Weather.theme
      Just proceed to that location instead of the one stated in #3 above and follow the succeeding steps. Hope you find it! :)

  5. How did you make notifications visible?

    1. The notifications are automatically displayed for me. What device are you using?

    2. Hi! I just tried it on my new iPod Touch 5 (iOS 6.0.1) and the notifications do not appear also. *sigh* That is indeed disappointing and the UNLOCK word is not aligned with the slider, did you notice?

      Maybe it is a problem of the 5th gen devices. Better wait for the Typophone update then. :)
