Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How To Complete Grounded Achievement in Plants Vs. Zombies (iPod Touch/iPhone/iOS)

Complete a Roof Level without using any catapult plants


The Potato Mine and the Chompers saved the day! But a lot of Sunflowers are also needed to sustain the cost of the Chompers. The only problem left is the loading of the plants which can be fixed by using the Imitater. This is the full list of plants to be used: Sunflower, Chomper, Potato Mine, Flower Pot, Garlic, Pumpkin, Cherry Bomb, Imitater (Pumpkin).

1. Plant Sunflower on the first row while using the Potato Mine and Squash to kill the first of the zombies. Don't mind the Pea Shooter in the image below, replace it with the Imitater (Pumpkin). You should have planted 5 Chompers on the fourth row before the first flag arrive.

2. Start planting Chomper on the fourth row and continue planting Sunflower on the succeeding rows. Place Garlic on the first and fifth row and put Pumpkin on the Chompers. Use Potato Mine or Squash when the need comes or the Cherry Bomb if there are more zombies to be killed.

3. When the last flag of zombies arrive, replace the Chompers that are still eating with new Chompers so that   they can immediately eat the incoming zombies.

Good Luck! :)

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