Monday, October 26, 2015

How To Declutter A Tiny House?

If you live in a tiny house like me, you get to evaluate which things are really necessities and which aren't.

Living in a 19 sqm unit always keeps you analyzing what's really needed to suit your lifestyle. The things you need varies whether you eat outside or prefer to cook, you bake or you just buy, you wash your clothes or just bring it to the laundry shop, you live alone or you live with someone, you invite friends over of just go out.

Considering all these factors, I have come up with the list of essential things you need in a tiny home.


  1. You cook
  2. You bake
  3. You live with another person
  4. Sometimes, 3-4 guests sleep over
  5. You wash small clothes (socks, undergarments)
  6. You love coffee


Over the years, humans found a way to invent something for every specific thing. To declutter a tiny kitchen, we need to let go of the need to need something for everything. We can have one thing that we could use for multiple purpose. 

The rule: Remove Duplicates!

Needing pizza cutter? Just use a knife.
Needing a garlic smasher? Just use a mortar and pestle.
Needing a ladle? Just use the large spoon.

It will work. I promise.

Here is my list of kitchen utensils and kitchen appliance. 

Living Room

Even if you live in a 19sqm house, living room is there. This is the place where you accept your guests, thus this must be clutter-free, always.

The rule: To the wall!

Attach built-n shelves/cabinets to the wall.
Hang frames on the wall.
Hang hooks on the wall.
Store bags on the wall.

This will draw the eye upward and make the space looks bigger. Also, maximizes the sitting space for you and for your guests.

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