Friday, July 22, 2011

How to Fix White Cydia Icon Crash After Jailbreak

This is a tutorial how to fix the white Cydia Icon after jailbreaking. But I still recommend sticking or downgrading to iOS 4.3.3.

Step 1: Launch redsn0w_win_0.9.8b3.
Step 2: Browse for the IPSW file which is iPod4,1_4.3.4_8K2_Restore.ipsw. Usually founf in this directory, C:\Users\Ella\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer.
Step 3: This window below should appear.
Step 4: Click Next.
Step 5: Tick Just boot tethered right now and then click Next.
Step 6:  You will be asked to enter DFU mode. Just follow the steps in the window. A pineapple should appear in your iDevice.
Step7: This window below should appear and then click Finish.
You can now see the normal Cydia icon in your iDevice and you should be able to launch it too. Goodluck!

How to Jailbreak iPod Touch iOS 4.3.4 Using RedSnow

This is a detailed and step by step tutorial on how to jailbreak iPod Touch with the latest iOS 4.3.4 using RedSnow 0.9.8b3 for Windows (I am currently using Win7). However, I do not recommend you to upgrade to 4.3.4. After I jailbroke my touch, Cydia crashes (click here to fix Cydia crash). You should first stick to iOS 4.3.3.

What you need:
1. redsn0w_win_0.9.8b3 (this is the version of redsn0w that supports iOS 4.3.4)
2. iTunes (check recent updates first and then update your iTunes)
3. iOS 4.3.4 ipsw file (downloaded when you update your iOS)

To jailbreak:
Step 1: Download 4.3.4 IPSW file.
Step 2: Update and Restore your iPod Touch Software using the latest version of iTunes.

Step 3: Open redsn0w _win_0.9.8b3.
Step 4: Click Browse.

Step 5: Look for the IPSW file with the file name iPod4,1_4.3.4_8K2_Restore.ipsw. This can be usually found in this directory C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates. AppData folder is usually set to be hidde, unhide it first if you can't find the IPSW file.

Step 6: You should see in redsn0w _win_0.9.8b3 "Processing firmware" and it should display "IPSW file successfully identified".

Step 7: Click Next. Tick Install Cydia  and then Next.

Step 8: The window below will appear next. You will be asked to enter DFU mode. Be sure first to turn off your device and plug it in.

Step 9: redsn0w will do the rest for you. this window will appear if you are already finished. Click Finish.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

How to Complete Pool's Closed Achievement in Plants vs. Zombies

Pool's Closed
Compete a pool level without using any aquatic plants.

Other Achievements:


Use plants that can fire at different directions such as Three-peater, Starfruit, and Gloom-Shroom. It is best if you buy the 9-Slot first. This the list of the plants I use.
1. Sunflower
    Plant the sunflower at the lanes away from the pool but accompany with two peashooters
2. Twin Sunflower
    This will help in collecting more sun for the three-peater
3. Threepeater
    Plant many of these at the lanes beside the pool
4. Squash
    For emergency
5. Potato Mine
    Additional help or for emergency
6. Fume-shroom
7. Starfruit
8. Coffee Bean
9. Gloom-Shroom
    Plant many of these at the lanes beside the pool

See also: How to Complete Chilli Free Achievement
              How to Complete Shooting Star Achievement in Plants Vs. Zombies (iPod Touch)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How to Complete Chili Free Achievement in Plants Vs. Zombies (iPod Touch)

Chili Free
Complete Column Like You See 'Em without using Jalapeno Plant.

Other Achievements:


The objective is simple. Just finish Column Like You See 'Em without using jalapeno Plant. However, it is pretty hard to achieve this. I have tried many times to complete this achievement. Maybe it is around my 30th time when I finally completed it. It was a little out of luck though ;). But I have seen how I got lucky.

Strategy 1:
Just make sure that you have enough Melon-pults,  squash and of course, Flower Pots for the third wave. At least, 2 melon-pults and 1 Squash. Your plants will most likely be eaten during the second wave.

Strategy 2:
This is how I won, I tried my best to defend the house during the second wave. Kill the Gargantuars during the second wave immediately using Squash so that they won't be able to kill your plants anymore. It is best to use a series of pumpkins to prevent the Ladder Zombies from reaching all your plants. The best way to kill the Gargantuars of the third wave is through the lawn mowers.  Do not let the zombies of the second wave touch the lawn mower until you cannot see all the Gargantuars of the third wave appearing. In this way the Gargantuars of third wave will be killed by the lawn mowers together with the zombies of the second wave, the only problem you have left are minor zombies which can be killed by 1-2 Melon-pults.

(Trying to take video of this. I do not get to win always since the arrangement of the plants coming is random.)

Strategy 3:
Or if you are lucky and there are remaining plants after the second wave, just kill the Gargantaurs of the third wave immediately by squash and add up some Melon-pults.

Hope it helped. Goodluck getting that very frustrating achievement! ☺

Note: Luckily, I also got Monster Mash and Lawn Mower Man Achievemenst here because of the massive number of zombies.

See Also: How to Complete Pool's Closed Achievement